Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Great Wall of China - A short Introduction

Tracing the history of the Great Wall of China, while trying to write in an objective way, sine ira ac studio, is far from easy. One who tries to take up this knotty and tricky task will soon realise that they have been sucked into the numerous and colourful legends that surround the building of the Wall; and will also be swept aside by the long and complicated flow of Chinese history. For history and legends walk hand--in-hand in Chinese culture, and

Until fairly recently the full-bodied legends of Chinese traditions were accepted as historical truth by the average Chinese. Mythology and history were totally blurred and it is still a matter of dispute as to where one ends and the other begins. There has never been a great quest for objectivity and scientific fact in the oriental tradition such as in the west. Reality and irreality are but variants of the same thing, one should never be sure of anything. [1]

Hence, incorporating legends and history together, in this work I shall try to describe the reason, or better the reasons, for the construction of the Wall, the benefits of its construction to its country, the farming-garrison, and especially its unique system of communication. (To be continued…)

[1] Jonathan Fryer, The Great Wall of China, New English Library, London, 1975, p.19.


Blogger ZZ Staff said...

I have been to the Great Wall and it was amazing the sense of history you get when you stand there. I was in Beijing on business and was able to spend a few extra days visiting the Forbidden City and the Emperor's Summer Palace as well.

Very impressive indeed...

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